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Have you had an abortion in the past and know that you don’t want to go through another one? You don’t have to. Learn more about your other two pregnancy options to explore which one is right for you. We’re here to support you along the way. You are not alone.

Your Alternative Options

1. Adoption 

While no one ever feels quite ready for adoption, many women have chosen this route because of life’s difficult circumstances. If you are struggling to even take care of yourself, adoption could be a great option for you. Remember, you will always be a mother, even when choosing adoption.

There is more than one type of adoption to choose from! You have the opportunity as the birth mother to decide what kind of relationship you want with your child, if any.

Types of Adoption:

  • Open Adoption: With open adoption, you have open communication with the adoptive family and exchange names, addresses, and phone numbers. Both parties decide on visits with one another and your child. It’s up to both parties to build the type of relationship they want.
  • Closed Adoption: With closed adoption, the adoptive family and birth mom stay anonymous. The child’s birth certificate and identifying information are sealed after the adoption is finalized. If safety is a concern, this is the best adoption option for you. 
  • Semi-Open Adoption: With semi-open adoption, you have a mix of open and closed adoption. Communication between you, your child, and the adoptive family occurs, but only through the adoption agency or specialist you’ve chosen. 

2. Parenting

Are you doubting your ability to parent as you face another unexpected pregnancy? You are not alone, and many people never feel ready to parent. But you are more capable than you know. 

Do you have questions like:

  • Who will help me raise my child?
  • How will I afford childcare?
  • Can I continue working full-time?
  • What if I’m a single mom?
  • Will my partner support me?

These are the hard questions that you may be contemplating. We can help you find the answers. With the right support and resources, parenting may still be an option for you. 

Here for You

Our goal at Resources for Women is to empower women to make the best decisions possible for their pregnancies through education. We’re committed to providing accurate and up-to-date information on pregnancy options and community resources available to our clients.

We provide compassionate care for women navigating an unplanned pregnancy. Schedule a free appointment today to learn more about your pregnancy options and confirm your pregnancy details.

*We never financially benefit from your decision and can discuss your options with absolutely no pressure.

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Know my options.


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