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Online abortion, also known as at-home abortion, is the abortion pill mailed to your house through an online prescriber. There are significant risks to your health with this method of abortion, as it overrides some of the basic medical oversight from an in-person medical provider.

We want to share more about the possible risks to your safety when going about this type of abortion. Though this option seems convenient, there are risks to consider.

Medical Oversight is Lacking

Online abortion (also called at-home abortion) is prescribed through online providers, which comes with a lack of medical oversight.

Any woman who orders the abortion pill online is then responsible for her health and safety.

This pressure is high as most women will NOT know what kind of risks to look out for when undergoing a medical abortion. This poses a huge threat to your health.

Illegitimacy of Online Abortion Drugs

The two abortion drugs prescribed for an online abortion are mifepristone and misoprostol. Getting abortion pills online through unregulated or overseas pharmacies can pose a risk to your safety, as some drugs may bypass FDA safeguards.

Getting abortion drugs online does not allow a woman to ensure the legitimacy and safety of the drugs since medical oversight is absent. This is a threat to a woman’s health as she will be alone at home during a medical abortion.

First, Confirm Your Pregnancy Details

It’s essential to understand your pregnancy details before having an online abortion or any type of abortion procedure. After receiving a positive pregnancy test, an ultrasound is also needed to confirm three important pregnancy details, which are the following:

  1. How far along you are (gestational age)
  2. The location of your pregnancy (whether it’s located within the uterus)
  3. Viability (if there’s a heartbeat and the pregnancy is progressing)

We’re here to help educate you more about your pregnancy with a free pregnancy test and a possible limited ultrasound. We can also help you get more clarity about your pregnancy options.

Making a pregnancy decision is major, so it’s okay to ask the hard questions along the way. You deserve to know the facts.

Contact us today for more information or to set up a consultation. You are not alone.

All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.

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Is an Online Abortion or At-Home Abortion Safe?

Online abortion, also known as at-home abortion, is the abortion pill mailed to your house through an online prescriber. There are significant risks to your health with this method of abortion, as it overrides some of the basic medical oversight from an in-person medical provider. We want to share more about the possible risks to