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How Do I Support My Partner?

We know this time can seem overwhelming, but you are not alone. Our compassionate team at Resources for Women are here to listen.

If a pregnancy has caught you off guard, you probably feel a bit out of control at the moment. The journey ahead with your partner can seem challenging, but you are not alone. Many men ask themselves these questions when deciding how to move forward with the pregnancy news…

  • What do we do now?
  • Can I financially support a child?
  • Is the baby really mine?
  • How do we tell our parents?
  • What about adoption, abortion, or parenting?
  • What does she expect from me?

Finding out you are going to be a father can be overwhelming. You may be overwhelmed at the responsibility you now have financially and emotionally. Having a child, or perhaps another child, is a big life adjustment.

Advice for You & Your Partner

What if you would like her to have the child, but she is unwilling to consider anything other than abortion? Make sure she knows you are there for her. Ultimately, your partner has the final say on the outcome of her pregnancy. However, you have the right to express your feelings or opinions.

Do your best to listen and try to understand each other’s concerns. This can make a big difference in reaching a decision you both can live with. While you are considering your options, be sure to keep communication open.

Consider talking with a pregnancy consultant at our center. Maintain your integrity by continuing to talk about your fears and desires.

Begin With Pregnancy Confirmation

If your partner confirmed her pregnancy with a home pregnancy test, it’s important to follow up with lab-quality pregnancy testing AND an ultrasound at your local pregnancy center. Pregnancy confirmation will help determine what options you qualify for. 

Abortion procedures happen at different points of pregnancy, so an ultrasound is important to clarify how far along your partner is and be alerted of any possible pregnancy complications.

Know my state.
Know my options.


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