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Wondering if you are pregnant? The waiting stage is often the hardest part of the pregnancy journey, especially as you may face an unplanned pregnancy. Fear and confusion are normal emotions to have during this time.

Early signs of pregnancy can be a missed period or even something as simple as extreme fatigue. Confirm your pregnancy so you can move forward. The only way to know for sure is with a simple pregnancy test.

Common Symptoms of Pregnancy

If you had a positive home pregnancy test or are experiencing common symptoms of pregnancy, you may be asking, “Am I pregnant?” Do any of these sound familiar?

  • I’ve missed a period
  • I feel like throwing up sometimes
  • My breasts feel tender
  • I have to pee more often
  • I’m more tired than usual
  • I’m having mood swings
  • I feel nauseous

Although not everyone experiences these signs, these pregnancy symptoms are commonly associated with early pregnancy. Most pregnancy tests you buy over-the-counter are reliable, but only a physician or other medical professional can confirm that you are pregnant.

At-home pregnancy tests are 99% accurate, but there is still a chance the results are inaccurate if taken at the wrong time or if taken incorrectly. Schedule an appointment at our center for a free pregnancy test today.

Get Answers Today

If you already took a home pregnancy test, we always suggest following up with a pregnancy test at our center for medical oversight. We can help confirm your results and offer ultrasounds as well if your test is positive. An ultrasound is just as important, if not more, as a pregnancy test taken at our center.

If you receive a positive pregnancy test result, we can help with your next steps and inform you about all your pregnancy options. You are not alone and you are stronger than you know. One step at a time.

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