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An ultrasound is a much-needed step in pregnancy confirmation to move forward with clarity. Ultrasounds are nothing to fear, as they give much-needed answers to your pregnancy questions and safeguard your health. 

At Resources for Women, we provide free, limited first-trimester obstetrical ultrasounds to verify pregnancy. Talk to us today to learn how to get started.

1. Confirm How Far Along You Are

Determining how far along you are is a vital part of knowing what abortion options are available to you. 

The FDA only recommends medical abortion (the abortion pill) to women through 10 weeks of pregnancy. A surgical abortion may be your only other abortion option if you are past this point of your pregnancy. 

2. Be Alerted to Potential Complications

An ultrasound confirms pregnancy location (whether your pregnancy is located within your uterus). It also confirms viability (whether your pregnancy has a heartbeat and is progressing). 

Some women experience pregnancy complications such as ectopic pregnancy, where the pregnancy grows outside of the uterus. This pregnancy complication can be deadly if not treated promptly. An ectopic pregnancy would disqualify you from abortion, requiring other medical treatment from your medical provider. 

According to the Mayo Clinic, around 10% to 20% of known pregnancies end in miscarriage. It’s important to rule out this complication with proper pregnancy confirmation, including an ultrasound and possible further medical oversight with your local medical provider.

3. Know How to Move Forward

You can’t move forward confidently without answers. Getting an ultrasound will help give you the information you need for what’s next for your unique pregnancy. 

Get the clarity you need by scheduling a pregnancy appointment at Resources for Women today. Our caring team is here to walk with you and help answer questions about your pregnancy and options. 

Make a free and confidential appointment today. You are not in this alone.

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