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Are you considering abortion after finding out you’re unexpectedly pregnant? We know this time can be overwhelming, but you owe it to yourself to learn the facts.

Here is more information about the different types of abortion so you can make a confident decision. You are not alone.

Two Types of Abortion

1. Medical Abortion

There are two types of drugs taken in the medical abortion process. The first drug, mifepristone, works to block the womb from absorbing progesterone and prevents the embryo from implanting or growing any further.

Misoprostol is taken next, which causes the uterus to contract and remove the pregnancy through the vagina. Typically, Mifepristone is prescribed at an abortion clinic and Misoprostol is taken at home, 24 to 48 hours later.

Some potential risks to consider beforehand include an incomplete abortion, infection, and more. Medical abortion is only recommended by the FDA for women up to 10 weeks pregnant.

2. Surgical Abortion

A surgical abortion is typically done later in pregnancy, at an abortion clinic or doctor’s office. Surgical abortion involves dilating the cervix and using a suction tube to remove the fetus and related pregnancy contents from the uterus. 

There are two different types of surgical abortion procedures used, depending on how far along you are in pregnancy. Aspiration abortion is done up to 14-16 weeks of pregnancy, and a D&E (dilation and evacuation) abortion is done after the 14-16 week mark.

Potential risks of surgical abortion include damage to the womb or cervix, uterine perforation, infection, and more.

What to Know Before an Abortion

It’s important to determine how far along you are in pregnancy to know what options you qualify for. Our team is here to inform you about your pregnancy and your options.

Receive a free and confidential lab-quality pregnancy test and limited ultrasound to confirm your pregnancy details and alert you to any potential complications.

It is our priority to provide a compassionate and understanding atmosphere for women experiencing unplanned pregnancy. We’re here to support you. Schedule an appointment today.

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