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You’ve already had an abortion, and you find yourself pregnant again. For numerous reasons, you have decided abortion is not your best choice. 

There are two other options available to you: adoption or parenting. Both provide their own set of benefits as well as challenges.

1. Parenting

Making the choice to parent can seem overwhelming at times. It definitely is full of both difficulties and rewards. 

Parenting is much easier with a good support system. If you do not have one, there are community resources that can assist with your needs. 

At Resources For Women, we can provide you with a list of the referrals that would most benefit you. From financial assistance to counseling and parenting classes to affordable medical care, there are many places you can turn to in your time of need. 

2. Adoption

Many families would love to raise a child but have been unable to have biological children. Adoption is a good option if you are pregnant and don’t feel you can raise your child yourself. 

There are three main types of adoption:

  • Closed Adoption- In a closed adoption, the adoption records are closed. That means you would not have communication with your child, nor would the adoptive family have your information. 
  • Open Adoption- In an open adoption, you and the adoptive family would have full communication. You would be able to be a part of your child’s life.
  • Semi-Open Adoption- In this type, you would be able to know about your child, but it would be in a controlled manner. Communication is carried out through a third party, like the agency or an adoption attorney.

How Can Resources For Women Help You?

Sometimes, abortion can have a significant impact on women- both physically and mentally. If this is true of you, please contact us at Resources for Women, and we can get you in touch with someone who can help. 

Our experienced team can also provide you with a free and confidential pregnancy test and ultrasound. In that appointment, we will give you comprehensive information on all your options, including abortion, parenting, and adoption.

We want to assist you in making the best choice for you. Contact us today!

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Am I Eligible for the Abortion Pill?

To understand your abortion pill eligibility, you first need to confirm your pregnancy to find out how far along you are (gestational age). The FDA has only approved the abortion pill for women through the first ten weeks of pregnancy.   Additionally, you will want to know whether you have any existing health issues that would

What is a Medical Abortion?

Are you thinking of abortion as you navigate an unplanned pregnancy? We know it feels like a whirlwind right now, but you are not alone. Medical abortion, also known as the abortion pill, involves taking two drugs that terminate an existing pregnancy.  Learn the facts when it comes to medical abortion, along with the risks.

What Are the Risks of the Abortion Pill?

An unplanned pregnancy can feel confusing with your many questions about pregnancy options. We’re here to better inform you about the risks of the abortion pill. A couple of physical risks to this type of abortion include infection or heavy and prolonged bleeding.  The serious risks come due to the serious nature of a medical